"Personal Space" Guinea Pig Mug
"Personal Space" Guinea Pig Mug
Personal Space
This Guinea Pig design is perfect for those who, not gonna lie, quite enjoyed the 2 meter enforced space that came with Covid 19… Because there’s always someone who is determined to invade your personal space! Cute, funny and to the point, Darcy and Luna say it so that you don’t have to.
Darcy and Luna are just two guinea pigs, squeaking at their hooman, telling them they’re hungry...
Darcy and Luna Designs was born after our founder and artist, Milly, lost her two beloved guinea pigs. They were her friends when she was lonely, her entertainment when she was sad, her reason to get up when she just wanted to stay in bed. If this wasn’t reason enough, then the fact that guinea pigs are the most underrated pet is!
This made her think - what other underrated animals are out there? Darcy and Luna Designs is all about paying homage to those animals that are just as adorable as dogs, elephants, hedgehogs and donkeys, just a little more… alternative!
11oz ceramic mug with gloss finish design, packaged in a cardboard box and protected with tissue paper
Dishwasher and microwave safe